First years of Operation at Scone Aerodrome near Perth
The club first operated at Scone Aerodrome, near the city of Perth for the seasons of 1960-1963. 

The above photograph was actually taken in 1985 during the 25th anniversary celebrations but shows the original Tiger Moth G-AHUV at Scone airport. It was from this very aircraft that the first jump for the club was made by Charles Robertson, on the 10th April 1960. The pilot was Tom Blyth, the Chief Flying Instructor at the Aerodrome at that time. Tom was also the first secretary of the club.

De Havilland Rapide G-AKJS at Scone in 1961. This aircraft was one of those used by the club from the first season. 

A group at the Rapide in 1961 - kneeling with his son is Bob Thomson. 

Alan Tyre, Bill Gleason, Pete Denley and Bill Brown look on with amusement as Mike Reilly struggles vainly to deploy his reserve to supplement the green and white bundle of washing above his head (1961)

Doc Robertson exits the Rapide.

The above photograph was donated to the club, having been part of the Robertson household since it was taken. The back of the photograph is also reproduced here. This photograph was taken during the 1962 Scottish National Championships, inside the De Havilland Beaver aircraft that the US Army team  'The Golden Arrows' brought with them to the competition. This was a picture set up for a newspaper of the day. Doc is in the picture as he had just completed the first Scottish 'baton pass' with Allen Tyre, and Joe Saunders in the picture for having landed on the aerodrome roof during the competition, all making good press copy at the time.

The first baton pass to be made in Scotland took place on the same day as the 'teddy' photograph of Charles Robertson and Joe Saunders taken above. The baton, which appears to be nothing more than some rolls of paper and elastic bands, is on the above trophy but also appears to be in Doc Robertson's hand in the 'teddy' photo.

A good eye on the original page shows the following text on the trophy :

"Good Luck Dr"
Al Tyre C- 457, US Army

(see you next year)

The baton is inscribed as follows:
This baton passed from Doc Robertson (holder) to Allen Tyre (chaser) over Perth Aerodrome, Scotland.
At 19.30 hours on Sunday 16th September 1962. Exit from 'Beaver' US Army 6416,Pilot Captain 'Speedy' Gonzales exit height 12,400feet AGL, exchange at 10,000 feet AGL

"Good Luck Al"
'Doc' C. A. Robertson
FAI D-66, Scottish Parachute Club

Keith Teesdale briefs 3 members of 1 para together with Maureen Brown who appears to be more concerned about whether the soldier on her left approves of her hairdo, 1962 (her husband's words (Pete Denley) not mine)

Maureen Brown and Keith Teesdale airborne over Scone 1962

Maureen Brown posing for the local press at the Bowl at Orange, Massachusetts in 1962

Jock Hall in 1963 with injury sustained at Kidlington when Jock, Doc and Tom were attending instructor training

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