In 1972 various parachuting
organisations in Scotland formed the Scottish Sport Parachute Association, as a means of qualifying for Scottish Sports Council grants which could be spent on Scottish parachuting developments.
Regular competitions and events started to re-appear on the Scottish calendar, putting Scotland on the map for visitors from the South.
re-launched the Scottish National Championships in 1973, which had been started by SPC in 1961, but had not been run since 1968 in Scotland.
The Skymasters Display Team was formed in 1970, the first
display jump being onto the front lawn at Gleneagles Hotel on the
25th April
In 1973 Tony Smith qualified as in instructor
The accuracy pit was constructed in 1973
On 31st October
1971 Ken Cassidy lost his life parachuting at the club
David Roberts, SPC pilot and Strathallan landowner died in a
plane crash in 1971
Bill McLennan makes 50 jumps in 7 hours, a British record,
on the 28th October 1972 to raise funds for the club. Sir William
Roberts also donates £100 to the cause
In 1973 Gordon Fernie was a member of the BPA Council
1973 Jump prices :
Static Line £1.80, 4200ft £1.10, 5000ft £1.35,
7000ft £1.65,10000ft £2.00