At the start of the decade the club was moved out of
the hangar building and operated on the east side of the aircraft museum building, with a large static caravan as a club house and
transport containers for storing
1980 the first jump course cost £40; example jump prices were 8500ft
for £5
and static line jumps for £5
The club's aircraft at this time crashed in June
1980, leaving the club without an aircraft for 2 months.
By late 1981 a grant from the Sports Council meant
the club could buy their own aircraft for the first time. Cessna 206
G-BAGV was bought, having been first used at the club in 1976
The club came of age in 1981 and celebrated it's
21st birthday with some commemorative jumps at Scone from the
original aircraft used by Doc Robertson in 1960
The club demo team was run by Martin Rennie at
this time
The club operated a training program in the Shetland
Islands for some of 1981, since some instructors were located
in the Shetlands at this time.
47 first timers made their first jumps at Tingwall Airfield with the
Scottish Parachute Club, under the instruction of club instructors Tony Smith and Hugh
In 1982 club member Tom Dickson died. Tom was one of
the main driving forces at the club from its early days, having
joined in 1963 and his death was a great loss to Scottish
Freefall student equipment consisted of 6 sets of aeroconical
mains by 1983
club managed a surplus of over £10000 from 1984's
For the first time the club moves into the main
hangar of the Strathallan aircraft building. An indoor packing
area was established as well as proper classroom facilities. The canteen, caravans, and kit store containers were moved inside the hangar.
A portable manifest desk and board were wheeled outside when jumping was taking place. The rooms at the front part of the hangar building were still occupied by the Strathallan Aircraft Society,
which maintained the Museum and Aircraft
The club was now the main aviation operation at the
airfield, although the museum was still in existence and the airstrip
was given over to the Aircraft Society for 4 flying weekends per
year. The aircraft collection was slowly sold from 1981
In 1982 Rob Noble Nesbitt started what
still remains as the longest term as CCI at the
club, being CCI until 1991
By 1983 the
club had a reserve fund of over £24000 in the bank
At the end of 1984, PC canopies were removed from
the BPA progression system.
On the 12th February 1984 club member Albert Wheeler lost his life jumping at the club, and a trophy in his memory was
donated later that year by his wife. This is given out each year as an award to the 'Student of the Year' as decided by the club
Felicity Martin received the BPA Instructor of the Year Award
in 1984 - the first time this had been awarded to a female
The first club fan trainer was installed for landing
practice in 1984