1960 Makes first jumps during military
service with the Parachute Regiment.
1965 Joins Scottish Parachute Club
1966 Club Committee Member
1967 Club Secretary
1968 Club Secretary
1968 Attains Approved Instructor rating
1969 Club Secretary
1969 Attains Advanced Instructor rating
1970 Club Chairman
1970 Club Chief Instructor
1970 Member of BPA Council
1971 Club Chairman
1971 Club Chief Instructor
1971 Member of BPA Council
1972 Club Chairman
1972 Club Chief Instructor
Gordon has held all posts at the club except Treasurer
and pilot and was one of the founder members of the
Scottish Sport Parachute Association. He was also
instrumental in the formation of the SPC display team
'The Skymasters' and created and ran his own display
team 'The Red Barons' as a BPA Display Team until 2005.
He was awarded life membership in 1993 after 25 years
continous service as an instructor and continues to jump
at the time of writing (2011).