KB976 Section 4 - Preparations for Leaving

Photograph taken and
provided by courtesy of Dick Richardson -
April 1974 Edmonton
This is the first sight Dick had of the aircraft
on flying to Canada from Scotland with a view to
buying her for the Strathallan Aircraft


A close up view
of the water tanks once removed at St Albert. They
were 500 gallon capacity each.
These were replaced by the bomb bay doors which
were be located and returned from a farm
some 60 miles away where they were being used as a
Above photographs taken and provided by courtesy
of Dick Richardson |

Water tanks now
removed. A small section of the original bomb bay
doors had been retained to work alongside the
water tanks. This section had then to be joined
back onto the re-fitted bomb bay doors.
taken and provided by courtesy of Dick
Richardson |

Engine runs
inside the hangar at St Albert Hangar
photographs taken and provided by courtesy of
Dick Richardson |

Bomb bay doors
fitted. Damaged propellor now repaired and
installed also.
Photograph taken and provided by courtesy of Dick
Richardson |

purchased from Northwestern Aviation was a
selection of Lancaster turret parts as shown in
the above pick-up truck

Above photographs taken by
and courtesy of Dick Richardson
Work continues to get
KB976 fully airworthy for flight to Scotland.
courtesy of Dennis Thompson |

Engine runs and
tests at St Albert.
Photograph taken and provided by courtesy of
Dick Richardson |

Local newpaper
cutting February 1975.



Photograph taken
and provided by courtesy of Dick Richardson

Photograph taken
and provided by courtesy of Dick Richardson
St Albert and
KB976 seen from the air.
Photograph taken and provided by courtesy of Dick
Richardson |

Terry Harrold
flew the aircraft out of St Albert to the RCAF
Namao base for some further engineering work in
conjunction with the RCAF, to include
undercarriage retraction tests. Here the aircraft
is airborn at St Albert, undercarriage locked
taken and provided by courtesy of Dick
Richardson |

Flying out of St
Albert, with a few local beat ups made as Terry
flies his aircraft for the last time.
The water ditch on the left side is a landing
strip for aircraft fitted with floats.
taken and provided by courtesy of Dick
Richardson |

Landing at RCAF
taken and provided by courtesy of Dick
Richardson |

Pictured in
Canada during test flights

Aviation (and KB976) owners Neil Menzies and
Terry Harrold either side of Captain MacKenzie.
This is at St Albert, May 1975 prior to the
flight back to Scotland.
In the background is one of the Northwest
Aviation B-25s waterbombers.
taken and provided by courtesy of Dick